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Effective slurry management for organic farming solutions


Sustainable and organic farming methods are becoming more prevalent as concern grows for our planet’s wellbeing. When an environmentally conscious farm approached T-T’s Agricultural & Environmental team looking for a solution to its dwindling waste storage facilities, the pump specialist’s experts provided a solution with additional eco-friendly benefits.

The automated dairy farm was running low on waste storage facilities and had noticed a recent decline in the quality of its soil. It was looking for a solution that didn’t involve building more storage space because of the impact that construction would have on the environment as well as the space it would occupy, with larger waste storage meaning a higher risk of environmental contamination.

T-T’s Agricultural & Environmental experts decided on an SM Range dewatering separator, manufactured by design expert Cri-Man. T-T team members assessed the site, using its head size and waste output to inform the specific choice of pump for maximum effectivity.

An SM 260 was selected for the job, ideal for use in livestock, biogas and industry applications.
This separator can remove up to 30% of dry matter from animal waste, drastically reducing the amount of waste material being sent to storage. By reducing the volume of waste, you are also reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses generated in storage. Separating the liquid and solids in the waste means the matter can be utilised more effectively. The nutrient-rich solid material is perfect for soil amendment, while the liquid can be used for crop fertilisation – forgoing the need for chemical solutions that could disrupt the local ecosystem.

The customer was elated with this solution, as it solved its storage concerns at the same time as improving the soil quality and organic farming methods. T-T left the automated dairy farm with overall more effective processing, storage and utilisation of waste matter. www.ttpumps.com

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