British Pump Manufacturers' Association (BPMA)
Welcome to the British Pump Manufacturers' Association (BPMA)
Since 1941, the British Pump Manufacturers' Association (BPMA) has been serving the interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid pumps and pumping equipment. Its mission throughout that time has been to influence the pump sector environment and aid the competitiveness of its strong 100 plus membership.
Primary to this task is increasing sector awareness through the provision of technical support and independent pump technology training to manufacturers, distributors, operators and purchasers of pumping equipment.
BPMA Pump Training
The BPMA offers e-learning pump courses, lecture-based and on-site pump training. Training has been designed for pump manufacturers, pump distributors and pump engineers.
For information on any BPMA training email
BPMA Membership
Membership of the Association is available to manufacturers, contractors, distributors, importers, repairers of industrial pumps including wholly-owned subsidiaries of foreign companies providing they have an investment in buildings and plant in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Membership is also available to suppliers to pump companies such as manufacturers of bearings, seals, couplings, motors, components, software (pump specific) etc.
Click here for more Information on BPMA Membership
A UK MANUFACTURER OF water-boosting solutions has expanded its offering with a new, innovative device following a two-year development process. AquaScan, from Salamander Pumps, is a robust digital water multimeter designed to make water testing easier and...
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Join us in witnessing the joy and relief on Misty Quabner’s face as she turns on the faucet and watches clean water flow freely once again. “We are so grateful […]
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